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One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, 13315 Riyadh SA
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
+966920011682 https://kunooz-desktop.mobitual.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/ms.substores/5e71d557b3229477aca4a8fb/5e74ab41c3d17afad04e1ce7-480x480.png" [email protected]
5e9d4c703bd21337b48d4f0b Betnovate Ointment 30 gm https://kunooz-desktop.mobitual.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/63a2c823667b7a03bffa1b3b/25645.jpg
What Betamethasone valerate is used for:
  • It is used for the relief of inflammation, itchiness and redness of the skin in the treatment of some skin problems, like eczema (common skin disorder that causes the skin to become itchy and red).
  • Some types of dermatitis (inflammation of the skin).
  • It is available as an ointment and a cream that are applied on the skin.  
Do not use Betamethasone valerate:
  • If you have an allergy to Betamethasone valerate, or any other corticosteroid or any of the ingredients present in this product.
  • If the package is ripped or has signs of tampering.
  • If the expiry date mentioned on the medication box has passed.
  • If you experience an allergic reaction or skin irritation upon use of this cream/ointment. 
  • If you are pregnant, plan on getting pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • If you may be suffering from other skin problems (e.g. fungal or bacterial skin infections, anal or genital itching, cold sores, shingles, chickenpox, skin tuberculosis, skin ulcers, acne, skin inflammation around the mouth).
  • The use of this medicine for other skin disorders may worsen your problem. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure. 
  • If you have poor blood circulation in the skin area (to prevent skin sores known as ulcers).
  • In children under the age of 1 year, unless recommended by your doctor.
Warnings & Precautions:
  • Stop the medication right away and talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you develop any allergic or skin reactions to any of the ingredients present in this cream/ointment such as skin itchiness, skin redness, shortness of breath, skin rash, swelling of the face or neck, decreased blood pressure and dizziness.
  • This medicine is designed for external topical use only. Do not swallow this product. 
  • Avoid contact of the cream/ointment with your lips, eyes, mouth, sensitive areas of the neck and angles of the nose in order to avoid irritation. In case of accidental contact, make sure to rinse the area very well with warm water and then pat dry.
  • Talk to your doctor immediately if you, or your child develop any vision problems (e.g. blurred vision). 
  • Make sure not to use any occlusive dressings if you have a skin infection. 
  • Talk to your doctor before starting this medicine if you have an allergy to any other medicines, dyes, foods or preservatives, if you are pregnant, plan on getting pregnant, breastfeeding or plan on breastfeeding, if you have any other health problems (especially if you suffer from an infection). 
  • Make sure to tell your healthcare providers that you are using this medicine. 
  • Talk to your doctor if your skin condition is getting worse or infected or if it does not seem to get better. 
  • Talk to your doctor if you do not use this product as directed to make sure that he/she does not change you to another therapy thinking that this medicine did not work for you. 
  • Do not share this medicine with anyone else even if they have the same signs.
  • Do not use tight-fitting nappies or plastic pants if this product is to be used on the nappy area of young children. 
  • Do not apply this medicine under tight fitting clothes to avoid skin thinning. 
  • Do not use this medicine for a long period of time on large areas to prevent its excessive absorption and subsequent undesirable side effects. 
  • Do not use this product for other purposes. 
Possible Side Effects: 
  • Possible side effects include allergy reactions (like rash, itching, red, swollen, blistered, or peeling skin, lumpy rash, wheezing, swelling of the eyelids, lips, face and mouth, chest tightness, fainting and difficult breathing).
  • Rash around the mouth area, increase in hair growth, heat rash, acne, change in skin color, stretch marks or streaks on the skin and infection of the hair follicles.
  • Common side effects include itching, skin dryness, redness and burning.
  • Other side effects (more likely to happen with prolonged use of this product on large skin areas especially if applied under tight dressings) include stomach ulcers, delayed wound healing, high blood pressure, eye problems (e.g. elevated pressure in the eye known as glaucoma, cataracts and blurred vision),
  • Increased chance of infection, acne, excessive growth of facial and body hair, muscle weakness and increased body fluid. 
Other medicines and Betamethasone valerate:
  • Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any other medications including topical products (e.g. creams, lotions, ointments).  
in stockSAR 10.1
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If accidental contact happens, wash your eyes thoroughly with running water for at least 10 minutes.</li>\n<li>Make sure not to apply the cream/ointment below a dressing (e.g. bandage or plaster) in order to prevent excessive absorption of the medicine and subsequent undesirable side effects.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>Do not use this cream/ointment on your face unless directed by your doctor.</li>\n<li>If your skin condition does not improve after a week, make sure to contact your doctor right away.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>Do not use this cream/ointment on skin wounds or on large areas of the skin or in skin folds (e.g. the back of the knee) unless directed by your doctor.</li>\n<li>Avoid applying this medicine just before having a shower, bath or going swimming in order not to affect its effectiveness.</li>\n<li>Using less than recommended of this medicine may cause your skin not to improve.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>Your doctor will determine for how long you will be using this product and may also adjust the frequency of using it depending on your response and.</li>\n<li>This medicine is associated with more side effects if used for longer periods of time.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>Do not change how you use this medicine without consulting your doctor first.</li>\n</ul>\n<div><b>How to store Betamethasone valerate:</b></div>\n<ul>\n<li>Keep out of the reach of children and pets (e.g. a locked cupboard at least one-and-a-half meter above the ground)</li>\n<li>Store in a dry place below 25&deg;C</li>\n<li>Do not use beyond the expiry date mentioned on the cream/ointment&nbsp;&nbsp;</li>\n<li>Do not dispose medication in the wastewater or household waste, ask your pharmacist how to dispose medicines you no longer use&nbsp;</li>\n<li>Do not leave your medicine on windowsills or in the car&nbsp;</li>\n<li>Keep medication in its original pack to protect it from moisture and light</li>\n</ul>\n<div></div>","what_is":"","therapeutic_uses":"","dosage_and_administration":"","contraindication_and_drug_interaction":"","warning_and_precautions":"","side_effects":"","more_information":""},"variants":[],"alias":"betnovate-ointment-30-gm","sort_order":0,"created_on":"2020-04-20T07:17:04.172Z","updated_on":"2025-01-01T10:59:28.023Z","substore":["whites-express","kunooz","whites","store-whites","store-kunooz"],"default_variant":null,"collections":["all-items-live-2024"],"Category":"Pharmacy,Pharmacy:Prescribed medicine,Pharmacy:Prescribed medicine:Skin treatment","categories":["wellness","medicines","medications","prescribed-medicines","medication"],"_updated_by":"647ca77ccd69b4dec86358d8","kunooz_sort_order":0,"whites_sort_order":64,"compare_price_discount":0,"gtin":"6285097000209","_metadata":{"i18n":{"AR":{"SEO":{},"metafields":{"benefits":"","how_to_use":"<p><b>كيف تستخدم بيتاميثازون فاليرات:&nbsp;</b></p>\n<p><b>&nbsp;</b></p>\n<p><b>البالغون&nbsp;</b></p>\n<ul>\n<li>ضع طبقة رقيقة من الكريم/ المرهم وقم بتدليكها برفق في المنطقة المصابة حسب توجيهات الطبيب.&nbsp;</li>\n</ul>\n<p><b>الأطفال</b></p>\n<ul>\n<li>لا ينصح باستخدام هذا الدواء للأطفال إلا إذا أوصى طبيبك بذلك.</li>\n<li>إذا أوصى الطبيب بذلك، يجب أن يتابع عن كثب مع الطفل للتحقق من تطور أي آثار جانبية غير مرغوب فيها.&nbsp;</li>\n</ul>\n<p><b>ارشادات الاستخدام:</b></p>\n<ul>\n<li>اغسل وجفف يديك قبل وبعد استخدام الكريم/ المرهم (لا تغسل يديك بعد استخدامه إذا كان يستخدم لبشرة يديك).&nbsp;</li>\n<li>تأكد من إعادة الغطاء الموجود على الأنبوب بعد استخدام الكريم/ المرهم لتجنب تسرب الدواء.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>تأكد من اتباع إرشادات مقدم الرعاية الصحية الخاص بك.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>تأكد من إبقاء الكريم/ المرهم بعيدًا عن عينيك. في حالة حدوث تلامس عرضي، اغسل عينيك جيدًا بالماء الجاري لمدة 10 دقائق على الأقل.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>تأكد من عدم وضع الكريم/ المرهم أسفل الضمادة أو الجص من أجل منع الامتصاص المفرط للدواء والآثار الجانبية غير المرغوب فيها اللاحقة.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>لا تستخدم هذا الكريم/ المرهم على وجهك ما لم يوجهك طبيبك. إذا لم تتحسن حالة بشرتك بعد أسبوع، فتأكد من الاتصال بطبيبك على الفور.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>لا تستخدم هذا الكريم/ المرهم على الجروح الجلدية أو على مناطق واسعة من الجلد أو في طيات الجلد (مثل الجزء الخلفي من الركبة) ما لم يوجهك طبيبك.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>تجنب استخدام هذا الدواء قبل الاستحمام أو السباحة حتى لا يؤثر ذلك على فعاليته.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>قد يؤدي استخدام أقل من الموصي به من هذا الدواء إلى عدم تحسن بشرتك.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>سيحدد طبيبك المدة التي ستستخدم فيها هذا المنتج وقد يضبط أيضًا وتيرة استخدامه بناءً على استجابتك. يرتبط هذا الدواء بمزيد من الآثار الجانبية إذا تم استخدامه لفترات أطول من الوقت.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>لا تغير طريقة استخدامك لهذا الدواء دون استشارة الطبيب أولاً.</li>\n</ul>","what_is":"","therapeutic_uses":"","dosage_and_administration":"","contraindication_and_drug_interaction":"","warning_and_precautions":"","side_effects":"","more_information":""},"description":"<p><b>ما هو بيتاميثازون فاليرات&nbsp; وما هو إستخدامه:</b></p>\n<ul>\n<li>ينتمي بيتاميثازون فاليرات إلى فئة من الأدوية تعرف باسم \"الكورتيكوستيرويدات الموضعية\" التي تعمل على تقليل الالتهاب والحكة واحمرار الجلد.</li>\n<li>يتم استخدامه لعلاج بعض مشاكل الجلد، مثل الأكزيما (اضطراب جلدي شائع يسبب حكة الجلد واحمراره)، وبعض أنواع التهاب الجلد.</li>\n<li>يتوفر على شكل مرهم وكريم يوضع على الجلد.&nbsp;</li>\n</ul>\n<p><b>لا تستخدم بيتاميثازون فاليرات:&nbsp;</b></p>\n<ul>\n<li>إذا كان لديك حساسية من بيتاميثازون فاليرات، أو أي كورتيكوستيرويد آخر أو أي من المكونات الموجودة في هذا المنتج.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li>\n<li>إذا كانت العبوة ممزقة أو عليها علامات العبث.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>إذا مضى تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المذكور في علبة الدواء.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>إذا كنت تعاني من رد فعل تحسسي أو تهيج في الجلد عند استخدام هذا الكريم/ المرهم.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>إذا كنت حاملاً، أو تخططين للحمل أو الرضاعة الطبيعية.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>إذا كنت تعاني من مشاكل جلدية أخرى (مثل الالتهابات الجلدية الفطرية أو البكتيرية، أو حكة الشرج أو الأعضاء التناسلية، أو القروح الباردة، أو القوباء المنطقية، أو جدري الماء، أو السل، أو تقرحات الجلد، أو حب الشباب، أو التهاب الجلد حول الفم).</li>\n<li>قد يؤدي استخدام هذا الدواء لاضطرابات جلدية أخرى إلى تفاقم مشكلتك. اسأل طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا لم تكن متأكدًا.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>إذا كان لديك ضعف في الدورة الدموية في منطقة الجلد (لمنع تقرحات الجلد).&nbsp;</li>\n<li>في الأطفال الذين تقل أعمارهم عن سنة واحدة، إلا إذا أوصى طبيبك بذلك.&nbsp;</li>\n</ul>\n<p><b>التحذيرات والاحتياطات:&nbsp;</b></p>\n<ul>\n<li>توقف عن تناول الدواء على الفور وتحدث إلى طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا ظهرت لديك أي حساسية أو تفاعلات جلدية لأي من المكونات الموجودة في هذا الكريم/ المرهم مثل حكة الجلد واحمرار الجلد وضيق التنفس والطفح الجلدي وتورم الوجه أو الرقبة، وانخفاض ضغط الدم والدوخة.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>هذا الدواء مخصص للاستخدام الموضعي الخارجي فقط. لا تبتلع هذا المنتج.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>تجنب ملامسة الكريم/ المرهم مع شفتيك وعينيك وفمك والمناطق الحساسة من الرقبة وزوايا الأنف لتجنب التهيج. في حالة التلامس العرضي، تأكد من شطف المنطقة جيدًا بالماء الدافئ ثم تجفيفها.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>تحدث إلى طبيبك على الفور إذا كنت تعاني أنت أو طفلك من أي مشاكل في الرؤية (مثل عدم وضوح الرؤية).</li>\n<li>تأكد من عدم استخدام أي ضمادات انسدادية إذا كنت تعاني من عدوى جلدية.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>تحدث إلى طبيبك قبل البدء في هذا الدواء إذا كنت تعاني من حساسية تجاه أي أدوية أو أصباغ أو أطعمة أو مواد حافظة أخرى،</li>\n<li>إذا كنت حاملاً أو تخططين للحمل أو الرضاعة الطبيعية أو تخططين للرضاعة الطبيعية، إذا كان لديك أي مشاكل صحية أخرى (خاصة إذا كنت تعاني من عدوى).&nbsp;</li>\n<li>تأكد من إخبار موفري الرعاية الصحية بأنك تستخدم هذا الدواء.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>تحدث إلى طبيبك إذا كانت حالة بشرتك تزداد سوءًا أو تلتهب أو إذا لم تتحسن الحالة.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>تحدث إلى طبيبك إذا كنت لا تستخدم هذا المنتج وفقًا للتوجيهات للتأكد من ألا يغيرك إلى علاج آخر معتقدًا أن هذا الدواء لا يناسبك.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>لا تشارك هذا الدواء مع أي شخص آخر حتى لو كان لديهم نفس العلامات.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>لا تستخدمي الحفاضات الضيقة أو السراويل البلاستيكية إذا كان هذا المنتج سيتم استخدامه في منطقة حفاضات الأطفال الصغار.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>لا تضع هذا الدواء تحت الملابس الضيقة لتجنب ترقق الجلد.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>لا تستخدم هذا الدواء لفترة طويلة من الزمن على مساحات كبيرة لمنع امتصاصه المفرط والآثار الجانبية غير المرغوب فيها اللاحقة.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>لا تستخدم هذا المنتج لأغراض أخرى.&nbsp;</li>\n</ul>\n<p><b>الآثار الجانبية المحتملة:</b></p>\n<ul>\n<li>تشمل الآثار الجانبية المحتملة تفاعلات الحساسية (مثل الطفح الجلدي، والحكة، والتورم، والبثور، أو تقشير الجلد، والطفح الجلدي المتكتل، والصفير، وتورم الجفون والشفتين والوجه والفم وضيق الصدر، والإغماء، وصعوبة التنفس)</li>\n<li>والطفح الجلدي حول منطقة الفم، زيادة نمو الشعر، طفح حراري، حب الشباب، تغير في لون الجلد، علامات تمدد أو خطوط على الجلد وإصابة بصيلات الشعر.</li>\n<li>تشمل الآثار الجانبية الشائعة الحكة وجفاف الجلد والاحمرار والحرقان. الآثار الجانبية الأخرى (التي من المرجح أن تحدث مع الاستخدام المطول لهذا المنتج على مناطق الجلد الكبيرة خاصة إذا تم وضعها تحت ضمادات ضيقة) تشمل قرح المعدة، وتأخر التئام الجروح، وارتفاع ضغط الدم،</li>\n<li>ومشاكل العين (مثل ارتفاع الضغط في العين المعروف باسم الجلوكوما، إعتام عدسة العين وعدم وضوح الرؤية)، وزيادة فرص الإصابة بالعدوى، وحب الشباب،</li>\n<li>والنمو المفرط لشعر الوجه والجسم، وضعف العضلات وزيادة سوائل الجسم.</li>\n</ul>\n<p><b>الأدوية الأخرى وبيتاميثازون فاليرات:&nbsp;</b></p>\n<ul>\n<li>أخبر طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا استخدمت مؤخراً أو تستخدم أو قد تستخدم أي أدوية أخرى بما في ذلك المنتجات الموضعية (مثل الكريمات والمستحضرات والمراهم).&nbsp;</li>\n</ul>","name":"بتنوفيت مرهم 30 جم"},"EN":{}}},"description":"<div><b>What Betamethasone valerate is used for:</b></div>\n<ul>\n<li>It is used for the relief of inflammation, itchiness and redness of the skin in the treatment of some skin problems, like eczema (common skin disorder that causes the skin to become itchy and red).</li>\n<li>Some types of dermatitis (inflammation of the skin).</li>\n<li>It is available as an ointment and a cream that are applied on the skin.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li>\n</ul>\n<div><b>Do not use Betamethasone valerate:</b></div>\n<ul>\n<li>If you have an allergy to Betamethasone valerate, or any other corticosteroid or any of the ingredients present in this product.</li>\n<li>If the package is ripped or has signs of tampering.</li>\n<li>If the expiry date mentioned on the medication box has passed.</li>\n<li>If you experience an allergic reaction or skin irritation upon use of this cream/ointment.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>If you are pregnant, plan on getting pregnant or breastfeeding.</li>\n<li>If you may be suffering from other skin problems (e.g. fungal or bacterial skin infections, anal or genital itching, cold sores, shingles, chickenpox, skin tuberculosis, skin ulcers, acne, skin inflammation around the mouth).</li>\n<li>The use of this medicine for other skin disorders may worsen your problem. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>If you have poor blood circulation in the skin area (to prevent skin sores known as ulcers).</li>\n<li>In children under the age of 1 year, unless recommended by your doctor.</li>\n</ul>\n<div><b>Warnings &amp; Precautions:</b></div>\n<ul>\n<li>Stop the medication right away and talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you develop any allergic or skin reactions to any of the ingredients present in this cream/ointment such as skin itchiness, skin redness, shortness of breath, skin rash, swelling of the face or neck, decreased blood pressure and dizziness.</li>\n<li>This medicine is designed for external topical use only. Do not swallow this product.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>Avoid contact of the cream/ointment with your lips, eyes, mouth, sensitive areas of the neck and angles of the nose in order to avoid irritation. In case of accidental contact, make sure to rinse the area very well with warm water and then pat dry.</li>\n<li>Talk to your doctor immediately if you, or your child develop any vision problems (e.g. blurred vision).&nbsp;</li>\n<li>Make sure not to use any occlusive dressings if you have a skin infection.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>Talk to your doctor before starting this medicine if you have an allergy to any other medicines, dyes, foods or preservatives, if you are pregnant, plan on getting pregnant, breastfeeding or plan on breastfeeding, if you have any other health problems (especially if you suffer from an infection).&nbsp;</li>\n<li>Make sure to tell your healthcare providers that you are using this medicine.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>Talk to your doctor if your skin condition is getting worse or infected or if it does not seem to get better.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>Talk to your doctor if you do not use this product as directed to make sure that he/she does not change you to another therapy thinking that this medicine did not work for you.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>Do not share this medicine with anyone else even if they have the same signs.</li>\n<li>Do not use tight-fitting nappies or plastic pants if this product is to be used on the nappy area of young children.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>Do not apply this medicine under tight fitting clothes to avoid skin thinning.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>Do not use this medicine for a long period of time on large areas to prevent its excessive absorption and subsequent undesirable side effects.&nbsp;</li>\n<li>Do not use this product for other purposes.&nbsp;</li>\n</ul>\n<div><b>Possible Side Effects:&nbsp;</b></div>\n<ul>\n<li>Possible side effects include allergy reactions (like rash, itching, red, swollen, blistered, or peeling skin, lumpy rash, wheezing, swelling of the eyelids, lips, face and mouth, chest tightness, fainting and difficult breathing).</li>\n<li>Rash around the mouth area, increase in hair growth, heat rash, acne, change in skin color, stretch marks or streaks on the skin and infection of the hair follicles.</li>\n<li>Common side effects include itching, skin dryness, redness and burning.</li>\n<li>Other side effects (more likely to happen with prolonged use of this product on large skin areas especially if applied under tight dressings) include stomach ulcers, delayed wound healing, high blood pressure, eye problems (e.g. elevated pressure in the eye known as glaucoma, cataracts and blurred vision),</li>\n<li>Increased chance of infection, acne, excessive growth of facial and body hair, muscle weakness and increased body fluid.&nbsp;</li>\n</ul>\n<div><b>Other medicines and Betamethasone valerate:</b></div>\n<ul>\n<li>Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any other medications including topical products (e.g. creams, lotions, ointments).&nbsp;&nbsp;</li>\n</ul>","location_availability":["all"],"location_availability_mode":"default","original_sort_order":0,"compare_price_discount_pct":0,"unique_barcodes":[],"last_order_date":"2024-12-25T13:06:15.036Z","last_order_id":"SID250510","total_order_count":3,"total_sales_amount":30.299999999999997,"min_limit_to_buy_this_product":1,"list_price":10.1,"our_price":10.1,"original_price":10.1,"discounts_total":0,"discounts_percentage":"0.000","discount_total":0,"approved_prescription":"unapproved","featured_image":{"image":"63a2c823667b7a03bffa1b3b/25645.jpg","_metadata":{"image":{"name":"25645.jpg","type":"image/jpeg","size":3272,"versioning":true,"_id":"63a2c823667b7a03bffa1b3b"}},"_id":"63a2c92ecf06af03c4d9a612"},"selected_options":{},"selected_variant":{},"category":{"_id":"660165622f1120f101294712","parent":{"_id":"63a172625e2e7d007f71bd1f","_metadata":{"i18n":{"AR":{"description":"","name":"الأدوية"},"EN":{}}},"publish":"1","alias":"medicines","images":[],"SEO":{"sitemap_frequency":"","title":"صيدلية 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Prescription Required

Betnovate Ointment 30 gm

SAR 10.1
This Product is only deliverable in Riyadh

What Betamethasone valerate is used for:
  • It is used for the relief of inflammation, itchiness and redness of the skin in the treatment of some skin problems, like eczema (common skin disorder that causes the skin to become itchy and red).
  • Some types of dermatitis (inflammation of the skin).
  • It is available as an ointment and a cream that are applied on the skin.  
Do not use Betamethasone valerate:
  • If you have an allergy to Betamethasone valerate, or any other corticosteroid or any of the ingredients present in this product.
  • If the package is ripped or has signs of tampering.
  • If the expiry date mentioned on the medication box has passed.
  • If you experience an allergic reaction or skin irritation upon use of this cream/ointment. 
  • If you are pregnant, plan on getting pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • If you may be suffering from other skin problems (e.g. fungal or bacterial skin infections, anal or genital itching, cold sores, shingles, chickenpox, skin tuberculosis, skin ulcers, acne, skin inflammation around the mouth).
  • The use of this medicine for other skin disorders may worsen your problem. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure. 
  • If you have poor blood circulation in the skin area (to prevent skin sores known as ulcers).
  • In children under the age of 1 year, unless recommended by your doctor.
Warnings & Precautions:
  • Stop the medication right away and talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you develop any allergic or skin reactions to any of the ingredients present in this cream/ointment such as skin itchiness, skin redness, shortness of breath, skin rash, swelling of the face or neck, decreased blood pressure and dizziness.
  • This medicine is designed for external topical use only. Do not swallow this product. 
  • Avoid contact of the cream/ointment with your lips, eyes, mouth, sensitive areas of the neck and angles of the nose in order to avoid irritation. In case of accidental contact, make sure to rinse the area very well with warm water and then pat dry.
  • Talk to your doctor immediately if you, or your child develop any vision problems (e.g. blurred vision). 
  • Make sure not to use any occlusive dressings if you have a skin infection. 
  • Talk to your doctor before starting this medicine if you have an allergy to any other medicines, dyes, foods or preservatives, if you are pregnant, plan on getting pregnant, breastfeeding or plan on breastfeeding, if you have any other health problems (especially if you suffer from an infection). 
  • Make sure to tell your healthcare providers that you are using this medicine. 
  • Talk to your doctor if your skin condition is getting worse or infected or if it does not seem to get better. 
  • Talk to your doctor if you do not use this product as directed to make sure that he/she does not change you to another therapy thinking that this medicine did not work for you. 
  • Do not share this medicine with anyone else even if they have the same signs.
  • Do not use tight-fitting nappies or plastic pants if this product is to be used on the nappy area of young children. 
  • Do not apply this medicine under tight fitting clothes to avoid skin thinning. 
  • Do not use this medicine for a long period of time on large areas to prevent its excessive absorption and subsequent undesirable side effects. 
  • Do not use this product for other purposes. 
Possible Side Effects: 
  • Possible side effects include allergy reactions (like rash, itching, red, swollen, blistered, or peeling skin, lumpy rash, wheezing, swelling of the eyelids, lips, face and mouth, chest tightness, fainting and difficult breathing).
  • Rash around the mouth area, increase in hair growth, heat rash, acne, change in skin color, stretch marks or streaks on the skin and infection of the hair follicles.
  • Common side effects include itching, skin dryness, redness and burning.
  • Other side effects (more likely to happen with prolonged use of this product on large skin areas especially if applied under tight dressings) include stomach ulcers, delayed wound healing, high blood pressure, eye problems (e.g. elevated pressure in the eye known as glaucoma, cataracts and blurred vision),
  • Increased chance of infection, acne, excessive growth of facial and body hair, muscle weakness and increased body fluid. 
Other medicines and Betamethasone valerate:
  • Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any other medications including topical products (e.g. creams, lotions, ointments).  
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How to use Betamethasone valerate:
  • Apply a thin layer of cream/ointment and gently massage it into the affected area as directed by your doctor.
  • Use of this medicine is not recommended in children unless recommended by your doctor.
  • If recommended by the doctor, he/she should follow up closely with the child to check for the development of any undesirable side effect. 
How To Use:
  • Wash and dry your hands before and after using the cream/ointment (do not wash your hands after using it if it is being used for the skin of your hands). 
  • Make sure to replace the cap on the tube after using the cream/ointment in order to avoid leakage of the medicine. 
  • Make sure to follow the directions of your healthcare provider.
  • Make sure to keep the cream/ointment away from your eyes. If accidental contact happens, wash your eyes thoroughly with running water for at least 10 minutes.
  • Make sure not to apply the cream/ointment below a dressing (e.g. bandage or plaster) in order to prevent excessive absorption of the medicine and subsequent undesirable side effects. 
  • Do not use this cream/ointment on your face unless directed by your doctor.
  • If your skin condition does not improve after a week, make sure to contact your doctor right away. 
  • Do not use this cream/ointment on skin wounds or on large areas of the skin or in skin folds (e.g. the back of the knee) unless directed by your doctor.
  • Avoid applying this medicine just before having a shower, bath or going swimming in order not to affect its effectiveness.
  • Using less than recommended of this medicine may cause your skin not to improve. 
  • Your doctor will determine for how long you will be using this product and may also adjust the frequency of using it depending on your response and.
  • This medicine is associated with more side effects if used for longer periods of time. 
  • Do not change how you use this medicine without consulting your doctor first.
How to store Betamethasone valerate:
  • Keep out of the reach of children and pets (e.g. a locked cupboard at least one-and-a-half meter above the ground)
  • Store in a dry place below 25°C
  • Do not use beyond the expiry date mentioned on the cream/ointment  
  • Do not dispose medication in the wastewater or household waste, ask your pharmacist how to dispose medicines you no longer use 
  • Do not leave your medicine on windowsills or in the car 
  • Keep medication in its original pack to protect it from moisture and light
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