6745b2d6794c44002b814a63Calamine Pore Contol Capsule Serum 50mlhttps://kunooz-desktop.mobitual.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/6745b2d6794c44002b814a65/54409.webpDescription:
Axis-Y are here to solve your pore troubles! With pore health being an integral part of our skin's health and appearance, Axis-y were inspired to create the Calamine Pore Control Capsule Serum- a pore tightening serum which helps to improve the appearance of enlarged pores caused by excess sebum production. At the heart of this serum lies the renowned ingredient Calamine, often referred to as "pink medicine" and commonly prescribed for various skin concerns in clinics. Complementing its properties, Zinc, another key component, plays a crucial role in maintaining the skin barrier's function and integrity. With its remarkable antibacterial action against inflammation, Zinc aids in alleviating acne irritation and purifying the pores. The serum's efficacy is enhanced by the patented TANNIN COMPLEX, a cutting-edge ingredient derived from a blend of plant and fruit extracts. This complex offers exceptional sebum control and pore minimizing capabilities, effectively preventing pore expansion resulting from active sebum secretion, thus promoting healthier skin. Moreover, the serum includes "Moisture Capsules" that contribute to improving the skin's oil-water balance, providing additional skin-conditioning benefits. Aligning with the brand's 6+1+1 formula, this pore product incorporates six base ingredients, one core ingredient (Calamine), and one effective technology (TANNIN COMPLEX). This comprehensive approach ensures a holistic solution to pore concerns, underscoring Axis-Y's commitment to optimal skincare. Key Ingredients: Centella Asiatica Extract boost natural healing process Blue Iris provides skin soothing and moisturizing effects, as well as pore tightening effects Mugwort lowers the heat of the skin and clears the blood to help skin elasticity and radiance Bromelain extracted from pineapple core, this enzyme removes dead skin cells without irritation Witch Hazel has excellent skin soothing effects to reduce skin troubles. Provides a refreshing feeling to the skin and helps tighten the pores Skin Concern: Enlarged pores, oily skinSkin Feel: Lightweight, hydrating.54409
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{"_id":"6745b2d6794c44002b814a63","sku":"54409","brand":"AXIS-Y","name":"Calamine Pore Contol Capsule Serum 50ml","_metadata":{"i18n":{"AR":{"name":"اكسيس واي سيروم كالامين للتحكم في المسام 50 مل","description":"الوصف: Axis-Y هنا لحل مشاكل المسام! نظرًا لأن صحة المسام جزء لا يتجزأ من صحة بشرتنا ومظهرها، فقد استوحيت Axis-y فكرة إنشاء مصل Calamine Pore Control Capsule Serum - وهو مصل لشد المسام يساعد على تحسين مظهر المسام المتضخمة الناتجة عن زيادة إنتاج الدهون. في قلب هذا المصل يكمن المكون الشهير Calamine، والذي يُشار إليه غالبًا باسم \"الدواء الوردي\" ويوصف عادةً لمشاكل الجلد المختلفة في العيادات. بالإضافة إلى خصائصه، يلعب الزنك، وهو مكون رئيسي آخر، دورًا حاسمًا في الحفاظ على وظيفة حاجز الجلد وسلامته. بفضل تأثيره المضاد للبكتيريا الرائع ضد الالتهابات، يساعد الزنك في تخفيف تهيج حب الشباب وتنقية المسام. يتم تعزيز فعالية المصل من خلال مركب TANNIN الحاصل على براءة اختراع، وهو مكون متطور مشتق من مزيج من مستخلصات النباتات والفواكه. يوفر هذا المركب تحكمًا استثنائيًا في الدهون وقدرات تقليص المسام، ويمنع بشكل فعال توسع المسام الناتج عن إفراز الدهون النشط، وبالتالي يعزز صحة البشرة. علاوة على ذلك، يتضمن المصل \"كبسولات الترطيب\" التي تساهم في تحسين توازن الزيت والماء في البشرة، مما يوفر فوائد إضافية لتكييف البشرة. تماشياً مع تركيبة العلامة التجارية 6+1+1، يشتمل منتج المسام هذا على ستة مكونات أساسية ومكون أساسي واحد (الكالامين) وتقنية فعالة واحدة (مجمع التانين). يضمن هذا النهج الشامل حلاً شاملاً لمشاكل المسام، مما يؤكد التزام Axis-Y بالعناية المثلى بالبشرة. المكونات الرئيسية: مستخلص سنتيلا اسياتيكا يعزز عملية الشفاء الطبيعية يوفر السوسن الأزرق تأثيرات مهدئة ومرطبة للبشرة، بالإضافة إلى تأثيرات شد المسام يخفض الشيح حرارة الجلد وينظف الدم للمساعدة في مرونة الجلد وإشراقه البروميلين المستخرج من لب الأناناس، يزيل هذا الإنزيم خلايا الجلد الميتة دون تهيج يتمتع نبات البندق الساحر بتأثيرات مهدئة ممتازة للبشرة لتقليل مشاكل الجلد. يمنح شعورًا منعشًا للبشرة ويساعد في شد المسام مشكلة البشرة: المسام الواسعة والبشرة الدهنية ملمس البشرة: خفيف الوزن ومرطب.","metafields":{"ingredients":"Eau, Butylène Glycol, Dipropylène Glycol, 1, 2-hexanediol, Cetyl Ethylhexanoate, Calamine, Bromélaïne, Extrait D'iris Versicolor, Extrait D'hamamelis Virginiana (hamamélis), Saccharose, Mannitol, Amidon De Zea Mays (maïs), Cellulose Microcristalline, Hydroxypropyl Méthylcellulose, Extrait De Centella Asiatica, Extrait D'artemisia Capillaris, Extrait De Brassica Oleracea Italica (brocoli), Extrait De Feuille De Diospyros Kaki, Extrait De Feuille De Camellia Sinensis, Extrait De Fruit De Vitis Vinifera (raisin), Extrait De Fruit De Zanthoxylum Piperitum, Extrait De Coquille De Castanea Crenata (châtaigne), Carthamus Tinctorius ( Carthame), Extrait De Fleur De Coffea Arabica (café), Extrait De Racine De Polygonum Cuspidatum, Dextrine, Acide Palmitique, Allantoïne, Lécithine Hydrogénée, Hydroxyéthyl Acrylate/sodium Acryloyldiméthyl Taurate Copolymère, Acrylates/c10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymère, Gomme De Xanthane, Carbomère, Alcools C12-16, Isostéarate De Sorbitan, Edta Disodique, Trométhamine, Éthylhexylglycérine, Extrait De Fruit De Gardenia Florida, Tocophérol"}}}},"description":"Description: \n\nAxis-Y are here to solve your pore troubles! With pore health being an integral part of our skin's health and appearance, Axis-y were inspired to create the Calamine Pore Control Capsule Serum- a pore tightening serum which helps to improve the appearance of enlarged pores caused by excess sebum production. At the heart of this serum lies the renowned ingredient Calamine, often referred to as \"pink medicine\" and commonly prescribed for various skin concerns in clinics. Complementing its properties, Zinc, another key component, plays a crucial role in maintaining the skin barrier's function and integrity. With its remarkable antibacterial action against inflammation, Zinc aids in alleviating acne irritation and purifying the pores. The serum's efficacy is enhanced by the patented TANNIN COMPLEX, a cutting-edge ingredient derived from a blend of plant and fruit extracts. This complex offers exceptional sebum control and pore minimizing capabilities, effectively preventing pore expansion resulting from active sebum secretion, thus promoting healthier skin. Moreover, the serum includes \"Moisture Capsules\" that contribute to improving the skin's oil-water balance, providing additional skin-conditioning benefits. Aligning with the brand's 6+1+1 formula, this pore product incorporates six base ingredients, one core ingredient (Calamine), and one effective technology (TANNIN COMPLEX). This comprehensive approach ensures a holistic solution to pore concerns, underscoring Axis-Y's commitment to optimal skincare. 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Axis-Y are here to solve your pore troubles! With pore health being an integral part of our skin's health and appearance, Axis-y were inspired to create the Calamine Pore Control Capsule Serum- a pore tightening serum which helps to improve the appearance of enlarged pores caused by excess sebum production. At the heart of this serum lies the renowned ingredient Calamine, often referred to as "pink medicine" and commonly prescribed for various skin concerns in clinics. Complementing its properties, Zinc, another key component, plays a crucial role in maintaining the skin barrier's function and integrity. With its remarkable antibacterial action against inflammation, Zinc aids in alleviating acne irritation and purifying the pores. The serum's efficacy is enhanced by the patented TANNIN COMPLEX, a cutting-edge ingredient derived from a blend of plant and fruit extracts. This complex offers exceptional sebum control and pore minimizing capabilities, effectively preventing pore expansion resulting from active sebum secretion, thus promoting healthier skin. Moreover, the serum includes "Moisture Capsules" that contribute to improving the skin's oil-water balance, providing additional skin-conditioning benefits. Aligning with the brand's 6+1+1 formula, this pore product incorporates six base ingredients, one core ingredient (Calamine), and one effective technology (TANNIN COMPLEX). This comprehensive approach ensures a holistic solution to pore concerns, underscoring Axis-Y's commitment to optimal skincare. Key Ingredients: Centella Asiatica Extract boost natural healing process Blue Iris provides skin soothing and moisturizing effects, as well as pore tightening effects Mugwort lowers the heat of the skin and clears the blood to help skin elasticity and radiance Bromelain extracted from pineapple core, this enzyme removes dead skin cells without irritation Witch Hazel has excellent skin soothing effects to reduce skin troubles. Provides a refreshing feeling to the skin and helps tighten the pores Skin Concern: Enlarged pores, oily skinSkin Feel: Lightweight, hydrating.
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Eau, Butylène Glycol, Dipropylène Glycol, 1, 2-hexanediol, Cetyl Ethylhexanoate, Calamine, Bromélaïne, Extrait D'iris Versicolor, Extrait D'hamamelis Virginiana (hamamélis), Saccharose, Mannitol, Amidon De Zea Mays (maïs), Cellulose Microcristalline, Hydroxypropyl Méthylcellulose, Extrait De Centella Asiatica, Extrait D'artemisia Capillaris, Extrait De Brassica Oleracea Italica (brocoli), Extrait De Feuille De Diospyros Kaki, Extrait De Feuille De Camellia Sinensis, Extrait De Fruit De Vitis Vinifera (raisin), Extrait De Fruit De Zanthoxylum Piperitum, Extrait De Coquille De Castanea Crenata (châtaigne), Carthamus Tinctorius ( Carthame), Extrait De Fleur De Coffea Arabica (café), Extrait De Racine De Polygonum Cuspidatum, Dextrine, Acide Palmitique, Allantoïne, Lécithine Hydrogénée, Hydroxyéthyl Acrylate/sodium Acryloyldiméthyl Taurate Copolymère, Acrylates/c10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymère, Gomme De Xanthane, Carbomère, Alcools C12-16, Isostéarate De Sorbitan, Edta Disodique, Trométhamine, Éthylhexylglycérine, Extrait De Fruit De Gardenia Florida, Tocophérol