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One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, 13315 Riyadh SA
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
+966920011682 https://kunooz-desktop.mobitual.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/ms.substores/5e71d557b3229477aca4a8fb/5e74ab41c3d17afad04e1ce7-480x480.png" [email protected]
6745b26a6cc7d100247ca067 Hair Loss Lotion (Hippophae TC & Lupine Protein) 150ml https://kunooz-desktop.mobitual.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/6745b26a6cc7d100247ca069/5201279073503.jpg An effective and holistic treatment for hair loss. Formulated with hippophae extract and lupin proteins, this practical spray-on lotion combines four actions that promote healthy, thicker, and stronger hair. First, it prevents and reduces hair loss; second, it tones and revitalizes the hair fiber; third, it helps regulate sebum production on the scalp; finally, it helps prevent breakage and split ends. In other words, this lotion is a multipurpose ally against hair loss, leaving the hair denser, healthier, and stronger. During a 3-month clinical trial, 92% of volunteers noticed a reduction in hair loss; 98% reported the lotion made their hair stronger and more voluminous; 98% agreed it helped regulate the presence of sebum on the scalp. 54272
in stock SAR 230
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Formulated with hippophae extract and lupin proteins, this practical spray-on lotion combines four actions that promote healthy, thicker, and stronger hair. First, it prevents and reduces hair loss; second, it tones and revitalizes the hair fiber; third, it helps regulate sebum production on the scalp; finally, it helps prevent breakage and split ends. In other words, this lotion is a multipurpose ally against hair loss, leaving the hair denser, healthier, and stronger. During a 3-month clinical trial, 92% of volunteers noticed a reduction in hair loss; 98% reported the lotion made their hair stronger and more voluminous; 98% agreed it helped regulate the presence of sebum on the scalp.","metafields":{"how_to_use":"Once a day, spray APIVITA Tonic Hair Loss Lotion 150ml on the hair roots, 8-10 times on each side of the head. Then, massage gently to stimulate micro-circulation in the scalp. Do not rinse. 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Hair Loss Lotion (Hippophae TC & Lupine Protein) 150ml

SAR 230

An effective and holistic treatment for hair loss. Formulated with hippophae extract and lupin proteins, this practical spray-on lotion combines four actions that promote healthy, thicker, and stronger hair. First, it prevents and reduces hair loss; second, it tones and revitalizes the hair fiber; third, it helps regulate sebum production on the scalp; finally, it helps prevent breakage and split ends. In other words, this lotion is a multipurpose ally against hair loss, leaving the hair denser, healthier, and stronger. During a 3-month clinical trial, 92% of volunteers noticed a reduction in hair loss; 98% reported the lotion made their hair stronger and more voluminous; 98% agreed it helped regulate the presence of sebum on the scalp.
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Lupin proteins contain important sources of peptides and vitamins. They help prevent and delay the onset of hereditary hair loss, all the while increasing hair density during the anagen stage of the hair lifespan by 17%; Propolis extract provides antimicrobial properties. It helps restore the health of the scalp and enable healthy hair growth; The exclusive herbal APISHIELD HS complex protects the scalp while strengthening the hair against environmental and styling aggressions. Its effectiveness is based on the combination of oligosaccharides from cotton and honeydew, a prebiotic oligosaccharide, and arginine; This product contains an organic rosemary infusion instead of plain water; this natural ingredient helps boost the antioxidant properties already present in each formula, thanks to its high concentration of polyphenols.
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Once a day, spray APIVITA Tonic Hair Loss Lotion 150ml on the hair roots, 8-10 times on each side of the head. Then, massage gently to stimulate micro-circulation in the scalp. Do not rinse. Continue treatment for at least 3 months, then repeat 2-3 times a year.
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Lupin proteins Propolis extract Oligosaccharides from cotton and honeydew, a prebiotic oligosaccharide, and arginine Organic rosemary
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