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One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, 13315 Riyadh SA
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
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6745b29a20b3490024e09da2 Queen Bee Absolute Rich Cream 50ml https://kunooz-desktop.mobitual.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/6745b29a20b3490024e09da4/5201279080938.jpg A cream with a rich velvety texture perfect for the day with anti-aging properties ideal for mature skin. Furthermore, its thicker and creamy texture is quickly absorbed by the skin without leaving it greasy or oily. On the contrary, the skin automatically gains a more velvety touch and a more hydrated and visibly cared appearance. Specifically, this composition with 98% ingredients of natural origin has Greek Royal Jelly and Propolis as its main stars. In turn, it is mainly these ingredients that deliver a fortifying and luxuriant formula rich in continuous and lasting benefits to the skin. 54265
in stockSAR 394.45
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Queen Bee Absolute Rich Cream 50ml

SAR 394.45

A cream with a rich velvety texture perfect for the day with anti-aging properties ideal for mature skin. Furthermore, its thicker and creamy texture is quickly absorbed by the skin without leaving it greasy or oily. On the contrary, the skin automatically gains a more velvety touch and a more hydrated and visibly cared appearance. Specifically, this composition with 98% ingredients of natural origin has Greek Royal Jelly and Propolis as its main stars. In turn, it is mainly these ingredients that deliver a fortifying and luxuriant formula rich in continuous and lasting benefits to the skin.
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Greek royal jelly speeds up skin regeneration, restores elasticity to the skin, and helps smooth out wrinkles and fine lines. For the purpose of this formula, royal jelly has been encapsulated in liposomes; this allows it to penetrate deeper into the skin, thus delivering its benefits where it matters most; Propolis is present in this formula in the form of a patented extraction that contains a maximum concentration of both flavonoids and polyphenols. Because it's a powerful antioxidant, Propolis helps mitigate free radical damage and restore vitality to the skin; Greek organic wild rose infusion helps boost the antioxidant properties already present in this formula, thanks to its high concentration of polyphenols.
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Apply APIVITA Queen Bee Absolute Anti-Aging & Regenerating Cream Rich 50ml to the clean and dry skin of the face and neck in the morning, then pat gently with fingertips. Time of application: morning
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Greek royal jelly Propolis Greek organic wild rose infusion
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